First try at HD video

For those out of towners who follow my blog a little back story may be needed.  On Saturday the city of Pittsburgh suffered a horrible tragedy when 23 year old Richard Poplowski opened fired on Pittsburgh police, killing 3 officers.  Apparently Mr. Poplowski had problems with the current adminstration and his perceived infringement on his constitutional right to bear arms.  Anyways,  I got a call from the Pittsburgh City Paper on Monday asking if I was available to run down to the Policeman’s memorial and grab a couple quick shots for this weeks cover.  I figured this would be a great opportunity to give my new 5dmk2 a workout both in the photo and video departments.  I haven’t done much video work in the past, usually it’s just been my own photoshoots that we have recorded and they have been consumer grade quality.  I was really interested to see the results of the HD capabilities of the camera.  I ended up spending an extra hour on site just shooting video.  The final clip was edited in Imovie.  I found that the camera is very sensitive to any type of movement, including focusing as you can only focus manually at this point. I had it on a tripod for the most part, but even with that the wind seemed to be a bit much. All in all I’m impressed with the quality of the clips captured, now I just need to work on my videographer skills along with editing!  Oy vey, it’s a never ending battle.  In all serious though, my heart truly goes out to the families of these officers.  I can’t imagine losing a loved one in this fashion.

Cover shot for This weeks Pittsburgh City Paper

Cover shot for This weeks Pittsburgh City Paper